Guide for Authors

Journal of Applied Intelligent Systems & Information Sciences (JAISIS) publishes papers with a variety of scientific research styles including original papers, literature review papers, case studies, lessons-learned, business reports, and technical notes. All of the papers should follow the Instructions explained below as well as the Template file (Download). The recommended fonts and sizes are also explained briefly in the table at the end of this page. If you want to submit your manuscript, please note carefully that your manuscript includes the components described bellow:


(I) Main Components

  • Title – The research title should encapsulate the main concepts of the manuscript.
  • List of Authors, Affiliations, and Email Addresses – the author(s) full name(s) needs to be mentioned on the first page of the paper and they need to be separated by a comma. The numerical superscripts after author(s) name(s) stands for the affiliation of the related author, each of which is declared under the author(s) name(s). Furthermore, a symbolic superscript is necessary to identify the corresponding author. The email addresses should also be inserted in the footnote.
  • Abstract – In a paragraph with approximately 200 words, the key elements of the research such as its importance, purpose, contributions, challenges, methodology, findings and etc. should be briefly mentioned. Present-tense verbs should be used for this section.
  • Keywords – At least 3 substantial words or phrases, separated by commas, conveying the underlying concerns of the manuscript should be mentioned below the abstract as the keywords.
  • Introduction – It is deemed to be the preparatory section to the main body of the research. For this section, the researcher(s) should briefly mention why the underlying concern of his/her research plays a remarkable theoretical/practical role in the literature and/or the real world business. The essential contributions of research that distinguishes this work from other studies, should be mentioned in this part as well.
  • Main Body – The main body should be written according to the corresponding research type explained in the instruction file. It, in fact, is an in-depth explanation coupled with tables and figures demonstrating the substantial facts of the manuscript such as the primary proposed ideas, issues and challenges, key findings, discussions and etc. Notice that, excessively long descriptions or researches with no demonstrable advancement in the techniques or devices already available need to be avoided.
  • Conclusion – In this section, the researcher(s) briefly describe the research main concern, the way it is addressed and his/her analysis of the results. Simple past-tense verbs should be used for this section.
  • References – Any piece of information and/or paraphrased sentence used within the research should be cited according to APA style (whose RIS format is downloadable here). This style is briefly described below. For citing a reference with a single author citation, the journal format is: “Last name (year of publication)”. A study including two authors is similarly cited by separating authors’ last names using the term “and”. As for the papers with three or more authors, the format is to consider the last name of the first author followed by et al. and the year of publication in parentheses. Furthermore, at the end of the manuscript, the references are arranged alphabetically based on the following template.
  • Journal Papers: Last name, First initial. (Year). Article Title. Journal name, Volume (Issue), Page/s.
  • Dissertation: Last name of author, first initial. (Year). Title of dissertation. Level. Official name of university.
  • Book Chapter: Last name, first initial. (Year). Chapter title. In: Editor's name/s (ed/s) Book Title. Edition. City of publication: Publisher. Page/s.
  • Book: Last name, first initial. (Year). Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
  • Web page: Author/Editor (use the corporate name if no individual author or editor is named). (Year) (if available; if there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d.). Title. Available from: URL [Date of access]

(II) Additional Components

  • Tables and Figures – To provide a crystal clear understanding of the research data, the author(s) should insert accurate tables and figures within the text. Both items should be distinctively numbered. As for the tables, vertical lines should be omitted while horizontal lines are preferable to separate the titles of corresponding tables from the rest of the table content. Figures should also be cited by the term “Fig.” within the text.
  • Formulas – All formulas should be typed via MathType and numbered in an increasing order.
  • Graphical Representation – A graphical representation of the works could also be attached as a separate file. Such a representation would provide a transparent perspective of the manuscript for both the reviewers and readers.
  • Appendix – Complementary and useful descriptions about a specific concept can be considered in the appendix using roman numerals (i.e. I, II, III …). The appendix is the last section of the manuscript before the reference list.
  • Acknowledgment – Special thanks to the funding sources and/or people who contributed to the manuscript but are not listed as the manuscript’s author(s) (due to specific reasons) could be expressed here. Acknowledgement section is located after the conclusion section.

Recommended Font and Sizes



Title of Manuscript

Bodony MT 18 Bold

Authors’ Full Names

Times New Roman 10


Times New Roman 8 Italic

Email Addresses

Times New Roman 8 Italic

Title of Sections

Bodony MT 11 Bold

Title of Sub-Sections (level 1)

Bodony MT 11 Italic

Content of Manuscript

Times New Roman 11


Times New Roman 9

Titles of Tables & Figures

Times New Roman 10

Content of Tables & Figures

Times New Roman 10