Publication Ethics

Authors, editors, editorial board as well as the journal's chief editor need to be aware of all the principles of research ethics as well as all the responsibilities related to the publication area, and all the aforementioned members are expected to be fully committed to these research ethics. Submitting articles by the authors, judging scientific articles by the editors, and deciding on accepting or rejecting articles by the editorial board as well as the chief editor demand not only knowing these principles of research ethics but also adhering to them and in case of non-compliance the journal can take legal action by right. The chart as well as the principles of research ethics approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology needs to be considered as a manual for the authors and any individual involved. It should be noted that using the articles of Journal of Applied Intelligent Systems & Information Sciences (JAISIS) is allowed only if the reference is mentioned.

  • The submitted articles should fall within the scope of the journal and be written in a scientific and cohesive manner.
  • The submitted articles should be the result of an original research of the article's authors and using the researches of others is allowed only if the reference is mentioned. The research should be conducted with precision and the data should be reported accurately.
  • Authors are obliged to avoid duplicate submission. In other words, the same article or even a part of it should neither be published inside the country or abroad nor should it be under review or publication by another journal.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the names and information related to all of the authors involved in the research are mentioned.
  • The authors are expected to keep the raw data and samples they have used in the article until at least one year after the article is published in order to answer the potential questions of the journal audience.
  • If during the submission, review process, editing or publishing the article in the journal or even after that the journal become certain that misconducts such as fabrication, falsification, juicy quotes and plagiarism are committed, it is entitled to take legal action against the misconduct.
  • The editors should be expert in the domain of the articles they are expected to review.
  • The editor is expected to reject reviewing the articles he has been involved with their data analysis.
  • The articles should be reviewed based on reliable and scientific arguments and personal, racial, religious comments should be avoided.
  • The chief editor is in charge of selecting the reviewers and deciding whether an article is rejected or accepted after he receives the reviewers' comments.
  • The editorial board and the chief editor are expected to inform the corresponding author of the final decision as to whether the article is accepted or rejected as soon as possible.
  • The editorial board and the chief editor are expected to consider the whole data of the articles confidential and avoid providing them for the others or discussing them with the others.
  • The editorial board and the chief editor should not allow the conflict of interests to affect their review process.